
Homework 3

  1. Truncation in the CLT. We are given an iid sequence \(\{X_i\}_{i \in \Z}\). Suppose \(X_{n,\leq N} = X_n 1_{X_n \leq N}\). Define \(X_{i,> N}\) similarly. Let \(\mu_{i,\cdot}\) and \(\sigma_{i,\cdot}\) be the corresponding mean and variance, and let the corresponding sums be \(S_{n,\leq N}\) and \(S_{n,>N}\). Then the moment method shows

    \(\frac{S_{n,\leq N} - n E[X_{n,\leq N}]}{\sigma_{\leq N} \sqrt{N}} \overset{d}{=} N(0,1)\)

    Show that

    1. There is a sequence \(N_n \to \infty\) such that \(S_{n,\leq N_n} \overset{d}{=} N(0,1)\) and \(\sigma_{1,\leq N_n} \to 1\), and
    2. $S_{n,> N_n} \overset{d}{=} 0$.
    3. If $A_n \overset{d}{=} A$ and $B_n \overset{d}{=} B$ where $B$ is a degenerate (almost surely deterministic) random variable, then $A_n + B_n \overset{d}{=} A + B$. Conclude the CLT from this.
    1. Recall the \(\epsilon\)-net \(\Sigma\) considered in class. Show that \(\vert \Sigma\vert \geq C^n/\e^{n-1}\).
    2. Consider a matrix with iid bounded entries \(\{\xi\}_{ij}\). Recall the inequality $\Prob( \| M \| _{op} > A \sqrt{n} ) \leq C \exp( -c A n)$ we proved using the \(\epsilon\)-net method in class. Using the \(\epsilon\)-net method, prove the same inequality for symmetric or Hermitian matrices whose entries are bounded and iid in the upper triangular part of the matrix (\(i \geq j\)).
  2. Let \(\{\xi\}_{ij}\) have bounded iid entries. Show, using Talagrand’s inequality, that

    \(\E \vert \| M \|_{op} - \operatorname{Med}(\| M\|_{op}) \vert^k = O(1)\) for any fixed \(k\).

  3. A tree is a connected acyclic graph.
    1. Show that a connected graph of \(n\) vertices and \(n-1\) edges is a tree.
    2. Show that a cycle of length \(2n\) is non-crossing iff there is a tree \(n\) of edges and \(n+1\) vertices, such that the cycle lies in the tree and traverses each edge exactly twice.
    1. Consider the integer nearest-neighbor lattice \(\Z^2\). An up-right or staircase walk from \((0,0)\) to \((n,n)\) is a lattice path with \(2n\) edges that can only take steps in \(\{e_1,e_2\}\). A Dyck path from \((0,0)\) to \((n,n)\) is a staircase walk that stays strictly below the diagonal \(y=x\). Show that the number of Dyck paths is given by the Catalan number \(C_{n}\).
    2. Do Exercise 2.3.12. Is there some connection between this and the reflection principle for random walks and Brownian motion?
    1. A partition of $[n]$ is a collection of disjoint subsets of $[n]$ whose union is $[n]$. Arrange the integers $1,\ldots,n$ around a circle. We consider a partition to be noncrossing if no two blocks cross each other in the cyclic arrangement; i.e., if $a$, $b$ are in one block and $x$, $y$ are in another, then they are not arranged in the order $a$,$x$,$b$,$y$. In other words, if you draw a line between $a$ and $b$ and $x$ and $y$, they do not cross. Show that the number of partitions of $[n]$ are also counted by the Catalan numbers!

    2. Show the recursion

      \(C_{n+1} = \sum_{i=0}^n C_i C_{n-i}\)

      and deduce

      \(C_{n} = \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{2n}{n}\)

    1. Do Exercise 2.3.5 (Talagrand’s inequality for symmetric/Hermitian matrices)
    2. Do Exercise 2.3.14. By combining the result of the lower Bai-Yin theorem and Talagrand’s inequality, show that with $\xi$ bounded one has

      \(\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \| M \|_{op} = 2\)

Homework 2

  1. Let \(X_1,\ldots\) be iid random variables such that \(\E[X_1^4] < \infty\). Prove the strong law of large numbers using the method of moments.

  2. Prove Hoeffding’s inequality with the optimal constant. The step to complete is the following. Let

    \(\psi(y,\theta) = -y \theta + \log ( 1 - y + y \exp(\theta))\)

    where \(y \in (0,1)\) and \(\theta \geq 0\). Show that \(\psi(y,\theta) \leq \theta^2/8\).

  3. Show that

    \(1 + \frac{t^2 \Var(X)}{2} e^{t(b-a)} \leq \exp( 3 t^2 (b-a)^2)\)

    and complete the proof of a weaker Hoeffding inequality.

  4. Show that McDiarmid’s inequality implies Hoeffding’s inequality: let \(\vert X_i\vert \leq c_i\) for \(i=1,\ldots,n\). Let \(S_n\) be the sum of the \(X_i\). Then

    \(\Prob( |S_n - E S_n| \geq \lambda \sum_i c_i^2 ) \leq C \exp( - c \lambda^2).\)

  5. Show that there are iid random variables \(\{X_i\}\) (even those with finite variance) for which their sum $S_n$ cannot have a subGaussian tail behavior on all scales. In particular we cannot have

    \(\Prob( S_n \leq \lambda \sqrt{n}) \leq C \exp( - c \lambda^2 )\)

    for all $\lambda > 0$.

    Consider \(X_i \sim \Exponential(1)\). Show

    \(M(t) = \frac{1}{1 - t} \quad |t| < 1\)

    Let \(I(t)\) be the Legendre transform of \(M(t)\). Then,

    \(I(t) = \sup_{s > 0} \left( s t - \log M(t) \right) = t - 1 - \log \left( \frac{t}{t+1} \right).\)

    Conclude using Cram'er’s theorem that \(S_n\) does not have a Gaussian tail as specified above.

  6. We say that a random variable is sub-Gaussian if

    \(\Prob( |X| > t ) \leq 2 \exp \left( - t^2/2C^2 \right)\)

    Use Cramer’s theorem to conclude that for sub-Gaussian random variables

    \(\Prob ( S_n > \lambda n) \leq 2 \exp( - \lambda^2/4C n )\)

    For some constant $C$. Hint: Compute the moment generating function of $X$.

  7. Show that the following are equivalent. Let $X \in \R^n$ be an iid vector of standard Gaussians.

    1. For all 1-Lipschitz functions \(F \colon \R^d \to \R\), there exist constants \(C_1,C_2\) such that

    \(\Prob( | F(X) - \E F(X) | > \lambda ) \leq C_1 \exp( - C_2 \lambda^2)\)

    1. Let \(A\) be a measurable set and \(A_r = \{ y \colon d(y,A) \leq r\}\) be its \(r\)-neighborhood. Then,

    \(\Prob(X \in A) \Prob( X \not\in A) \leq C_1 \exp( - C_2 \lambda^2)\)

  8. Fill in the details in Talagrand’s concentration inequality:

    1. Define the sets \(A_{X_n}\) and \(B\):

      \(\begin{align*} A_{X_n} & := \{ z \in \W^{n-1} \colon (z',X_n) \in A \} \\ B & := \{ x \in \W^{n-1} \colon \exists |t| \leq K s.t. (z',t) \in A \} \\ \end{align*}\)

      \(d_c(X,A) \leq (1-\lambda)^2 + \lambda d_c(X',A_{X_n})^2 + (1-\lambda) d_c(X',B)^2\)

    2. Show

      \(\inf_{0 \leq \lambda \leq 1} e^{c(1-\lambda)^2} r^{-\lambda} \leq 2 - r\)

    3. Show that we can choose $c > 0$ small enough such that

      \((1-p) e^c + p \leq p^{-1}.\)

    4. Show

      \(\E[ \Prob(X' \in A_{X_n} | X_n ) ] = P(X \in A)\)

Homework 1

  1. Let \(A\) be a complex Hermitian matrix. Show that \(A\) can be diagonalized by a unitary matrix \(U\); i.e., \(\exists U\) such that

    \(\Lambda = U^* A U\)

    Show that \(U\) can be chosen to be orthogonal matrix when \(A\) is a real symmetric matrix.

  2. Let \(U\) and \(V\) be subspaces. Is \(U \cap V\) a subspace? Is \(U \cup V\) a subspace? How about \(U + V := \{ u + v \colon u \in U \AND v \in V\}\)?

    Show the formula

    \(dim(U) + dim(V) - dim(U \cap V) = dim(U + V)\)

    When \(U \cap V = \{0\}\), then we write \(U + V = U \oplus V\), the direct sum.

  3. Let \(H\) be a Hilbert space, and let \(V\) be a closed subspace. Show the decomposition

    \(H = V \oplus V^\bot\)

  4. Show the permutahedron property in Tao, Exercise 1.3.2.

  5. Wielandt minimax formula (Exercise 1.3.3)

  6. If \(A\) is a Hermitian matrix, show that \(\Vert A\Vert_{op} = \max(\vert \lambda_1(A)\vert ,\vert \lambda_N(A)\vert\). Also show that \(\Vert A\Vert_{op}\) is a bonafide norm on the space of matrices.

  7. Ex 1.3.6 from Tao about using Lidskii’s inequality to get the p-Weilandt-Hoffman inequality.

  8. Ex 1.3.7 Show the Schatten p-norms are actually norms on the space of Hermitian matrices. Is it a a norm on the space of all matrices?

  9. Ex. 1.3.9 non-commutative Holder inequality.

  10. Ex. 1.3.10 Do the Hermitian part of this problem for me.