
Exam Dates

Time: Tuesday, February 25, 8 - 9:15am (75 minutes)

Location: Hozoori-Lin-Pham: Hubble Auditorium (Hutchison hall) Almomani: Lander Auditorium (Hutchison hall)

The student IDs will be checked at the exam. Please bring yours.

Topics included: Everything from the beginning (review of chapter 5), until the end of Trig integrals (7.2).

This formula sheet will be provided on the exam. No other notes, textbooks, etc. will be allowed. The presence and use of cellphones, headphones, electronic devices are strictly prohibited.

You can find some old exams at the bottom of this page.

Solutions to Midterm 1

Tuesday, April 8, 8 - 9:15am
Tuesday, May 6, 12:30 - 3:30pm

Bring your student ID to each exam!

Exam handouts

Please consult the syllabus for details on material to be covered in exams this semester.