MATH 162

Welcome to Math 162!

Course schedule with reading and homework assignments

Grading and course policies

Grid Schedule for lectures, recitations and office hours

Login from the link on blackboard.

Supplementary Homework Exercises

Exams page. This page has links to many exams given in this course in previous years. You should consult them while studying for exams this semester.

Lecture notes

Instructions for students who join later in the term

Mathematica free download for UR students

Miscellaneous links

Basic Course Information

This 4 credit course is a continuation of Math 161. Prerequisites: Math 161 or equivalent.

Catalog Description

Applications of integration including areas, volumes, work, and arc length. Techniques of integration including integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, partial fractions. Improper integrals. Calculus with parametric curves and polar coordinates. Sequences, series, tests for convergence including comparison tests, integral test, alternating series test, ratio test, root test. Taylor and Maclaurin series.

Important Dates

  • Classes begin on August 26 and end on December 9.
  • Recitations begin the week of September 9 (Week 3).
  • There is no class on:
    • Monday, September 2 (Labor Day)
    • Monday, October 14 (Fall break)
    • Wednesday, November 27 (Thanksgiving Break)
  • The exam dates and times are:
    • Midterm 1: Thursday September 26, 8am-9:20am
    • Midterm 2: Thursday October 31, 8am-9:20am
    • Final Exam: Friday, December 13, 12:30pm - 3:30 pm


Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Ninth Edition.
This book is almost identical to the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th editions, which you may use as a substitute if it will save you money.

Class Meetings

Nathanael Grand
  • Math162-01: MW 9:00am-10:15am, Harkness Room 115
Doug Ravenel
Peter Oberly
  • Math 162-03: MW 3:25pm-4:40pm, Morey Room 525
  • Math 162-04: MW 12:30pm-1:45pm, Lattimore 201

See the the schedule posted in Blackboard for recitation meeting times.

Instructor Information

Nathanael Grand
  • Office Hours: Mondays 4pm - 5pm
  • Location: Hylan 910
  • Email ngrand at ur period rochester dot edu
Peter Oberly
  • Office Hours: Monday 2pm - 3pm, Wednesday 5pm - 6pm, Thursdays 11am - 1pm.
  • Location: Hylan 811
  • Email poberly at ur period rochester dot edu
Doug Ravenel
  • Office Hours: Fridays 1:30pm - 3:30pm
  • Location: Zoom
  • Email dravenel at ur period rochester dot edu

Teaching assistants

Daniel Gotshall
Office Hour: Tuesdays, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Hylan 717
Email: dgotshal at ur period rochester dot edu
Lippus Liu
Office Hour: Fridays, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: Hylan 1103
Email: wliu56 at ur period rochester dot edu
Ella Yu
Office Hour: Mondays, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Hylan 711
Email: kyu26 at ur period rochester dot edu
Hanzhang Yin
Email: hyin12 at u period rochester dot edu
Nyasha Gwaza
Email: ngwaza at u period rochester dot edu
Gloria Gan
Email: ygan15 at u period rochester dot edu
Arash Khavaran
Email: akhavara at u period rochester dot edu

For Extra Help:

The Learning Center is running a study group for Math 162. You can sign up for it on Blackboard. It meets Wednesday at 2:00 in Hylan 206 and is led by Kelvin Nguyen knguy43 at u period rochester dot edu. See for more information.

Math Study Hall

This is a drop-in tutoring lab staffed by Math Grad Students in Hylan 1104 (Starting 9/6 and ending 12/14). The schedule is as follows:

  • Mondays 5-6pm, 7-8pm
  • Tuesdays 5-7pm
  • Wednesdays 5-8pm
  • Thursdays 5-8pm

(Closed 10/14, 10/15, 11/27, 11/28, 11/29)

The Learning Center

The Learning Center offers