
Academic Integrity

All assignments and activities associated with this course must be performed in accordance with the University of Rochester’s Academic Honesty Policy. More information is available at: www.rochester.edu/college/honesty.

Math Dept policy on unauthorized online resources: Any usage whatsoever of online solution sets or paid online resources (chegg.com or similar) is considered an academic honesty violation and will be reported to the Board on Academic Honesty. In particular, any assignment found to contain content which originated from such sources is subject to a minimum penalty of zero on the assignment and a full letter grade reduction at the end of the semester (e.g. a B would be reduced to a C). Depending on the circumstances, this may apply even if the unauthorized content was obtained through indirect means (through a friend for instance) and/or the student is seemingly unaware that the content originated from such sources. If you have any questions about whether resources are acceptable, please check with your instructor.

Calculators, Smartphones and Other Materials

The use of calculators, phones and other computing devices is not allowed during an exam. Notes and cheatsheets are also not allowed.

The use of phones is permitted to take photographs of your answers after the exam is over. Please also see the zoom policy.


You are expected to be in class every day and come prepared to learn and work, and you are expected to arrive at exams on time.

Asynchronous students will be fully supported: In unavoidable circumstances, if you know you will be absent on the day of an exam, let me know at least a week in advance and I may arrange for you to take the exam at another time.


There will be weekly online WeBWorK homework assignments that will count for your grade. WeBWorK assignments will be due every Wednesday and Saturday at 11:59 p.m. WeBWorK Set 0 is meant as an introduction to WeBWorK and, though highly recommended, will not count for a grade.

Exams and Grading

See the Exams and Grading page.

A Note to Students with Disabilities

The University of Rochester respects and welcomes students of all backgrounds and abilities. In the event you encounter any barrier(s) to full participation in this course due to the impact of disability, please contact the Office of Disability Resources. The access coordinators in the Office of Disability Resources can meet with you to discuss the barriers you are experiencing and explain the eligibility process for establishing academic accommodations. You can reach the Office of Disability Resources at: (585) 275-3424; Taylor Hall. Or, visit Disability Resources.

Please note that to be granted alternate testing accommodations, you (the student) must fill out forms with Disability Resources at least seven days before each and every exam. These forms are not sent automatically. Instructors are not responsible for requesting alternative testing accommodations at Disability Resources or making accommodations on their own.