Exams & Grading

There will be two midterms and one final exam in this class.

No notes, calculators, or other electronic devices will be allowed, and having such a device in view during the exam is an academic honesty violation.


Grading policy
Webwork (25%)
Midterm 1 (20%)
Midterm 2 (20%)
Final Exam (35%)
Zoom policy

Exams will be administered through gradescope and proctored via zoom. For exams, it is required that you keep their videos on. The exam will be recorded as well, but the recordings will not be kept unless an Academic Honesty issue arises out of that exam (see the course policy on Academic Honesty).

While taking an exam, you may not have anything open on your computing devices except gradescope and zoom.

Exams must be written on paper using pen or pencil. You are not allowed to use a tablet to write the exam.

Finally, you may not make use of any other devices including your phones while you are writing the exam. You may use your phone only to take photos and only after you have finished writing the exam.

Midterm 1

Thursday May 30th. In class.

75 minutes.

Some practice problems:
Midterm 1 2014, solutions
Midterm 1 2017, solutions
Midterm 1 2018, solutions
Midterm 1 2021, solution
Midterm 1 2022, solutions
Midterm 1 2023
Midterm 1 review
Practice problems 1
Practice problems 2

Midterm 2

Thursday June 13rd. In class.

75 minutes.

Some practice problems:
Midterm 2 2014, solutions
Midterm 2 2017, solutions
Midterm 2 2018, solutions
Midterm 2 2021, solution
Midterm 2 2022, solutions
Midterm 2 2023

Final Exam

Thursday, June 27th. In class.

125 minutes.

Some practice problems:
Final 2014, solutions
Final 2017, solutions
Final 2022, solutions
Final 2023