Math 537 Tentative Course Outline
Fall 2024

Chapter Section(s) Topic Notes
Appendix A, Category Theory Language, pgs. 417-429 A.1 Categories
A.2 Functors
A.3 Natural Transformations
A.4 Abelian Categories;
The Exact Imbedding Theorem
A.5 Limits and Colimits
Note: The Exact Imbedding Theorem will only be stated; and, we'll show you how to use it. It is proved in "Imbedding of Abelian Categories", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1960, (by myself).
Chapter 1, pgs. 1-18, 25-29 Chain Complexes 1.1 Complexes of R-Modules
1.2 Operations on Chain Complexes
1.3 Long Exact Sequences
1.4 Chain Homotopies
1.6 More on Abelian Categories

Chapter 2: Derived Functors pg. 30-51, 58-65 2.1 delta-Functors
2.2 Projective Resolutions
2.3 Injective Resolutions
2.4 Left Derived Functors
2.5 Right Derived Functors
2.7 Balancing Tor and Ext
Note: The proof of the results in section 2.7 will be delayed; they are much easier to prove once one is familiar with the specral sequence of a double complex.
Chapter 3: Tor and Ext, pg. 66-76, 80-87 3.1 Tor for Abelian Groups
3.2 Tor Flatness
3.3 Ext for nice rings
3.5 Derived Functors of the Inverse Limit
Some proofs will be delayed -- they are easier using spectral sequences
Chapter 4: Homological Dimension, pg. 102-103 4.3 Change of Rings Theorems
We will only cover Nakayama's Lemma,
General Version of Nakayama's Lemma,
and some applications
Chapter 5: Spectral Sequences, pg. 120-159 5.1 Introduction
5.2 Terminology
5.5 Convergence
5.9 Exact Couples
5.4 Spectral Sequence of a Filtered Cochain Complex
5.6 Spectral Sequences of a Double Complex
5.8 Grothendieck Spectral Sequence
Additional Topics: Category of Sheaves on a Topological Space Cohomology of Sheaves Direct and Inverse Image of a Sheaf The Leray Spectral Sequence.
Labor Day: Sept 2
OCTOBER BREAK: Oct 14 - 15
Thanksgiving Recess: Nov 27 - Dec 1
Last Day of Classes: Dec 9

Last updated Aug 18, 2024; may be modified during the term.

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