MATH 443

Frank Adams 1930-1989. More pictures

Leonhard Euler 1707-1783.
More pictures. Euler is also depicted on an old version of the Swiss 10 franc note.

Jules Henri Poincaré 1854-1912. More pictures.

Daniel Kan 1927-2013

Solomon Lefschetz 1884-1972

Heinz Hopf 1891-1971.

J. H. C. Whitehead 1904-1960

Norman Earl Steenrod 1910-1971

Samuel Eilenberg 1913-1998

Instructor Information

Class meetings

  • MW 2:00-3:15 in Hylan 1104.

  • The first and last meetings will be on Wednesday August 26 and December 9.

  • There will be no classes on Monday September 2 (Labor Day), October 14 (Fall break) and November 27 (Thanksgiving break).

  • I will be out of town on October 16 and December 9. We will find a way to make up those two classes.

  • Lecture notes

  • Homework

  • Textbook and course introduction

  • The final exam will be on TBA

  • Course evaluation link
