Exams & Grading


Your grade for the course will be based on your homework and performance on exams:

  • Homework - 30%
  • Midterm Exam - 30%
  • Final Exam - 40%

Incomplete “I” grades are almost never given. The only justification is a documented serious medical problem or a genuine personal/family emergency. Falling behind in this course or problems with workload on other courses are not acceptable reasons. If you are concerned about your standing or ability to pass the class, please talk to the instructor sooner rather than later.


There will be one midterm and a final exam at the following times:

Midterm, 75 minutes.
Thursday, Jun 6, in class (10:00-11:15AM)
No calculator or notes will be allowed.
Final Exam, 135 minutes.
Thursday, Jun 27, in class (9:00-11:15AM)
No calculator or notes will be allowed.

The Final Exam is comprehensive covering material from the entire semester.

Exam procedure

Please read thoroughly before the exam. Any violation of the exam procedure could result in a zero grade on the exam.

Before the exam

  • All exam takers will need a computer with a functioning webcam (external webcam recommended). Double check if it is working well before the exam.

  • Lighting in the room must be bright and well-positioned enough to allow for clear visibility of the exam taker and the immediate surrounding area.

  • Exam takers should be seated at a desk/table. The desk, table, computer screen, walls, and other surfaces in the exam environment must not have notes, formulas, etc. visible to the exam taker. The proctor may ask the exam taker to show around the exam environment.

  • Exam takers should prepare blank papers in advance. There should not be anything written on both sides of the papers before the exam. Make sure to prepare enough number of papers. It is not allowed to leave the seat to bring more papers during the exam.

During the exam

  • Connect to the zoom room at least 15 minutes before the exam starts, so that the proctor can check if all requirements are met.

  • The exam will be sent out via Email as a pdf file at the beginning of the exam. The exam taker should write and sign the honor pledge (on the first page of the exam) and upload it on Gradescope along with the submission.

  • The webcam must be on and focused on the exam taker at all times. Also, it should show the entire workspace as well as the computer screen. If it is not possible, the webcam should show both hands of the exam taker at all times.

  • The microphone must be on at all times during the exam. Music, radio, television or any other background audio is not permitted.

  • No person other than the exam taker is permitted to be present during the exam.

  • The exam taker may ask questions by direct message on Zoom. Otherwise, any kind of typing is not allowed during the exam.

  • Note that the entire exam will be recorded.

After the exam

  • After the exam ends, the exam taker will be allotted 10 minutes to scan all papers that they used, including the scratch papers, and upload the pdf file to Gradescope.

  • The exam taker may leave the room after the proctor confirms that their submission is properly uploaded on Gradescope. If one finishes the exam early, they may begin the scanning process after the proctor confirms by direct message.

  • Once the exam taker begins the scanning process, it is not allowed to write anything on the paper.

Old Exams

For your study, some exams from previous semesters will be posted below.

Previous midterms
Fall 2013 Midterm 1 Solutions
Fall 2014 Midterm 1 Solutions
Fall 2021 Midterm 1 Solutions
Fall 2013 Midterm 2 Solutions
Fall 2014 Midterm 2 Solutions
Fall 2021 Midterm 2 Solutions

Some exams (particularly the second midterms) may include problems beyond the material that will be on this term’s midterm, such as systems of linear equations and determinants. You are welcome to ignore those for now. Ask me if you are not sure if any problem is in the coverage of this term’s midterm.

Previous finals
Spring 2013 Final Solutions
Spring 2015 Final Solutions
Fall 2021 Final Solutions

You may also want to review the previous midterms above, since the final exam covers all materials.