
There will be two midterm exams and a final exam at the following times:

First Midterm
Thursday, July 18th, 10:00-11:15am
Location: Online (on Gradescope, the link to Gradescope course can be accessed through blackboard /course homepage)
Exam coverage: Beginning (12.1)- End of min/max problems (14.7)
Second Midterm
Thursday, August 1st, 10:00-11:15am
Location: Online
Exam coverage: TBA
Final Exam
Thursday August 8th, 9:00am-12:00pm
Location: Online
Exam coverage: All course content.

Formula sheet

The following formula sheet will be provided on all exams: CLICK HERE.

Old Exams

For your study, exams from previous semesters. Be advised that these may not cover exactly the same material as this semester.

First Midterms
Spring 2024 Midterm 1 Solutions
2014 Fall [solutions]
2015 Fall [solutions]
2014 Fall [solutions]
2012 Fall [with solutions]
2011 Fall [with solutions]
2008 Fall [with solutions]
Second Midterms
Spring 2024 Midterm 2 Solutions
2016 Fall [solutions] There is a mistake in the solutions for number 2(b) cos(2pi) is 1, here it writes -1. In 5(b) (sqrt(5),-2), the value of the function should be 15+8+8=31, which is actually the absolute value in D. And in problem 7, 4-x^2-y^2 is 4-r^2, rather than 4-r.
2015 Fall [solutions] (There is a mistake in the solutions for number 6, The third step should be 1/2*(e^x-1) and the answer should be reversed. Also, in problem 7 The function x=2y-3 should be x=3-2y and the answer should be 1/2.)
2014 Fall [solutions] (There is a mistake in the solutions for number 4(b) where the right answer is the negative of answer in 4(a) and in 5 where the second critical point is (1/2,1/4) not (1/2,1/2)).
2012 Fall [solutions]
2011 Fall [solutions]
2008 Spring [solutions]
Final Exams
Spring 2024 Final Exam Solutions
2016 Fall [solutions] There is a mistake in the last step of the solution for number 5. The x should be the square root of 1/2 instead of 1/2. In problem 9, the 4x^2 term should be multiplied by negative one, so the answer is -1, not 1.
2015 Fall [incomplete solutions] and [an updated version] (see #4 and #14) and [another updated version] (see #14)
2012 Fall [solutions]
2011 Fall [solutions]
2008 Spring [with solutions]
2007 Fall [solutions]