
Midterm: Wednesday (6/5), 9 - 10:15 AM

Final Exam: Thursday (6/27), 9 AM - 12 PM

Some exams from previous years are linked below. These exams are only meant to give you an idea of the kinds of problems you may be asked on the exams in this course. Topics change slightly from year to year and exams change as a result. These solutions have NOT been checked and there may be minor or major errors in the posted solutions.

Old Midterm Exams

2015 Fall Mid 1 [solutions]

2015 Fall Mid 2 [solutions] (Skip 6, 7, 8)

2016 Fall Mid 1 [solutions]

2016 Fall Mid 2 [solutions] (Skip 6 and 7) There is a mistake in the solutions for number 2(b) cos(2pi) is 1, here it writes -1. In 5(b) (sqrt(5),-2), the value of the function should be 15+8+8=31, which is actually the absolute value in D. And in problem 7, 4-x^2-y^2 is 4-r^2, rather than 4-r.

2017 Summer Mid 1

2022 Spring Mid 1

2022 Spring Mid 2 (Skip 4 and 5)

2022 Summer Mid 1 [solutions]

2022 Summer Mid 2 (Skip 5, 6, 7)

Old Final Exams

2015 Fall Final [solutions]

2016 Fall Final [solutions]

2022 Spring Final

2022 Summer Final