Instructor | Lecture | Office | Office Hours | |
Amanda Tucker | MW 10:25-11:40 Gavett 310 | amanda.tucker@rochester.edu | Hylan 818 | Thursday 12-2p |
Hari Rau-Murthy | MW 12:30-13:45 Goergen 101 | hraumurt@math.rochester.edu | Hylan 919 | Wednesday 3-4:30 |
Minsik Han | MW 15:25-16:40 Wegmans 1400 | minsik.han@rochester.edu | Hylan 908 | Tuesday 2-4p |
TA Office Hours:
Instructor | Time | Location |
Pablo Bhowmik | Thursday 3-4p | 9th floor Math Lounge |
Micah McClatchey | Friday 11a - 12p | Hylan 710 |
Course Description:
MTH 143, 162, or 172
This course covers Multivariable Calculus, which is the study of integrals and derivatives of multivariable functions.
The course textbook is Stewart’s Calculus (Early Transcendentals) 9th edition, the same as 141-143 and 161-162. Older editions of the textbook are fine, but be aware there are differences in the problem numbers (and even in the section numbering in Chapter 15).
Topics covered:
This course covers Chapters 12-16 of Stewart’s Calculus (Early Transcendentals) 9th edition. It introduces vectors, and 3D and higher dimensional geometry. It generalizes the concepts of limits, continuity, derivatives, and integrals to functions of several variables and vector-valued functions. It culminates in several broad generalizations of The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, and The Divergence Theorem.
Course notes:
Here are some complementary notes for the course. They describe in more detail the topics covered.
Course credit:
This course follows the College credit hour policy for four-credit courses. This course meets 3 academic hours per week. The course also includes recitations/workshops for 1 academic hour per week.
Evaluation and Grading:
Your course grade is determined using a combination of quizzes, WeBWorK, the two midterms, and the final exam, as indicated in the breakdown below:
Weekly WeBWorK | Recitation Quizzes | Midterm I | Midterm II | Final Exam | Total % |
15 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 35 | 100 |
Weekly homework will be on WeBWorK, which you will access via blackboard. It will generally be due at 11:59pm on Sundays.
You should also work the suggested problems from the text listed on the schedule.
Although assignments are due once a week, you should be working on it throughout the week to ensure you are keeping up with your assignments. Do not expect to be successful in this course if you procrastinate until one hour before the assignment is due! Collaborating with other students enrolled in the course is encouraged, but make sure you are submitting your own answers. Using electronic aids or submitting a friend’s answers will not help you succeed in this course!
Recitations will meet once a week. If you have a legitimate excuse for missing your recitation, you may attend another recitation that week, but you must contact your TA and the TA who is leading the recitation you wish to attend first.
Day | Time | Room | TA |
Monday | 4:50 PM - 6:05 PM | Hylan 203 | Anurag Kumar |
Tuesday | 9:40 AM - 10:55 AM | Gavett 310 | Aryan Raj Dhawan |
Tuesday | 11:05 AM - 12:20 PM | Hylan 206 | Pablo Bhowmik |
Tuesday | 3:25 PM - 4:40 PM | Lechase 160 | Pablo Bhowmik |
Wednesday | 4:50 PM - 6:05 PM | Gavett 310 | Leo Liang |
Wednesday | 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM | Gavett 310 | Aryan Raj Dhawan |
Thursday | 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Lechase 121 | Micah McClatchey |
Thursday | 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Gavett 310 | Leo Liang |
Thursday | 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Gavett 312 | Micah McClatchey |
Thursday | 4:50 PM - 6:05 PM | Frederick Douglass 403 | Pablo Bhowmik |
Friday | 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM | Hylan 105 | Micah McClatchey |
Friday | 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Hylan 101 | Anurag Kumar |
TA | Email address |
Pablo Bhowmik | pbhowmik@ur.rochester.edu |
Aryan Raj Dhawan | adhawan2@u.rochester.edu |
Anurag Kumar | akumar48@u.rochester.edu |
Leo Liang | lliang11@u.rochester.edu |
Micah McClatchey | mmcclatc@ur.rochester.edu |
There will be two midterms and a final. The dates for these exams are as follows:
- Midterm 1: Tuesday, February 25th 8 - 9:15am in Strong Auditorium
- Midterm 2: Thursday, April 8th 8 - 9:15am in Strong Auditorium
- Final Exam: Tuesday, May 6th 12:30 - 3:30pm in TBA
The final exam will be cumulative and will test material from the entire semester. Part A will cover material from the first two midterms, while Part B will cover material from after the second midterm. If your score on Part A of the final is higher than either of the midterm scores, the LOWEST midterm score will be replaced by the score on Part A of the final.
There will be no make-up exams. If you know you will be absent on the day of an exam, let your instructor know at least a week in advance and we will arrange for you to take it at another time.
The final exam date and time are determined by the registrar and are not subject to change. If you know that you have a conflict with the final exam time, you must let your professor know as soon as possible.
Collaboration and Academic Honesty:
You are responsible for knowing and abiding by the University of Rochester’s academic integrity code. For a complete listing, visit the College’s website. Any violation of academic integrity will be pursued according to the specified procedures.
You are encouraged to work together on WebWork assignments. In fact, studies have shown that talking with others about the material and collaborating is an extremely effective way of learning mathematics and solidifying your own understanding. However, using another student’s work to submit your own answers is considered cheating.
You may also use tools such as Wolfram Alpha to check your answers (when possible). But beware: such tools are not infallible, and you will not learn anything if you don’t work the problems yourself first!
Ultimately, you should make sure you fully understand all answers you submit on WebWork. The best way to ensure this is to attempt to solve the problems yourself before consulting others or using an electronic aid for assistance. After all, you cannot use those resources on the exams and quizzes!
No calculators, phones, or other electronic devices are allowed on quizzes or exams.
We provide a few details of the university’s academic honesty policy that hold for all courses. This is just for your information. If you find any of them surprising, you should take the quizzes linked below.
Making a false statement in order to try to get an extension on homework or a make-up on a quiz or exam is a violation of the university’s academic honesty policy.
Allowing another student to copy from you on a homework assignment or exam is considered as serious a violation as copying an assignment yourself.
You can be held responsible for details of the academic honesty policy that you were not aware of.
If you are found to have violated the academic honesty policy in a course, you may not withdraw from it.
Unsure about what constitutes a violation? Take the quizzes: Quiz 1,Quiz 2.
Math Dept policy on unauthorized online resources: Any usage whatsoever of online solution sets or paid online resources (chegg.com or similar) is considered an academic honesty violation and will be reported to the Board on Academic Honesty. In particular, any assignment found to contain content which originated from such sources is subject to a minimum penalty of zero on the assignment and a full letter grade reduction at the end of the semester (e.g. a B would be reduced to a C). Depending on the circumstances, this may apply even if the unauthorized content was obtained through indirect means (through a friend for instance) and/or the student is seemingly unaware that the content originated from such sources. If you have any questions about whether resources are acceptable, please check with your instructor.
Note to Students with Disabilities
It is University of Rochester policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students who have a documented disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, or systemic) that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and their instructor for a confidential discussion of their individual need for academic accommodations. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is located in 1-154 Dewey Hall.
Please notify your instructor of any need for accommodations as early as possible, as it may not be possible to honor accommodation requests made less than one week before an exam.