Exams & Grading

There will be two midterm exams and a final exam at the following times:

First Midterm
Time - Tuesday, February 27, 8:00-9:15 AM.
Location - Hutchison 141
Formula sheet
Second Midterm
Time - Tuesday, April 2, 8:00-9:15 AM.
Location - Hutchison 141
Formula sheet
Final Exam
Time - Sunday, May 5, 4–7 PM
Location - Hutchison 141

Exam Policy

The Final Exam will have two parts: Part A will cover the material tested in both Midterms 1 & 2, while Part B will only contain questions related to material appearing after Midterm 2. Part A accounts for 10% of your course grade and Part B accounts for 25% of your course grade. In addition, the Part A score will replace the lowest midterm score if it is indeed higher (but not both). Makeup exams are typically not offered. If you miss a midterm exam, then Part A of the final exam will count as your makeup.

You will NOT be permitted calculators or other electronic devices (smart phones, smart watches, etc) on any exams. You will NOT be permitted books, notes, or “cheat sheets” on any exams.

Old Exams

For your study, exams from previous semesters are posted below. Note: course schedules change from semester to semester, so exam coverage may not match up exactly with our exam. Make sure you know what material is covered on ours. Studying these exams alone is not sufficient. You should consult your class notes, the text, WebWork, as well as the optional book problems on the course schedule.

These solutions have NOT been checked and there may be minor errors in the posted solutions.