
Your grade will be determined by the following weights:

  • Homework (20%)
  • Midterm 1 (25%)
  • Midterm 2 (25%)
  • Final Exam (30%)


  • Webwork is an online homework system developed in the Math Department at the University of Rochester, and now is widely used throughout the world.

  • Webwork assignment allow you multiple attempts when submitting your answers, so you must use it as a preparation tool for the exams and for your self-assessment of the course contents.

  • There is webwork assignment numbered “00”. This assignment doesn’t count towards grading. But, if you’ ve never used Webwork, it’ s helpful to get used to the system as it teaches you how to enter your answers on webwork.

  • Webwork homework counts for 20% of your total grade. Your lowest homework score will be dropped when calculating your final grade.

  • You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with your classmates. However, Webwork problems are individualized for each student and you must do your own assignment.

Homework schedule

  Open Date Due date (midnight) Topic
Homework 1 May 20 May 24 Equations, Intervals and Functions
Homework 2 May 23 May 27 Inverse functions, logarithms, limits
Homework 3 May 27 Jun 2 Limits and Continuity
Homework 4 Jun 2 Jun 6 Asymptotes and Indeterminate forms
Homework 5 Jun 6 Jun 11 Derivatives
Homework 6 Jun 11 Jun 16 Rules of differentiation
Homework 7 Jun 16 Jun 20 Rate of change
Homework 8 Jun 20 Jun 24 Critical and Extreme values
Homework 9 Jun 24 Jun 27 L’Hospital’s rule