Exams & Grading

Your grade will be determined by the following weights:

  • Homework (20%)
  • Midterm 1 (25%)
  • Midterm 2 (25%)
  • Final Exam (30%)

  • Exams will be administrated on Gradescope and proctored over Zoom.
  • A working webcam and microphone are required during the exam.
  • You also need a quality scanner, camera or smartphone to upload your solutions.
  • You must handwrite your solutions on plain white paper, write bold and clear and use preferably a pen.
  • You are not allowed to use the computer (or any other devices) to anything else than to read the exam and upload your solutions.
  • Neither notes nor the textbook will be allowed while taking any of the exams.
  • You will be able to see your exam graded (and ask for a regrade when necessary) in Gradescope.

Exams will be at the time of the class.

The Final Exam will have two parts. Part A will be on material tested in Midterms 1 & 2 and Part B will be on material not tested in either Midterm. Your score in Part A will replace the lower of your Midterm scores if doing so improves your grade. There will be no makeup exams.

If you miss a Midterm, then Part A of the Final Exam will replace that score. Note that only one Midterm score may be replaced this way.


There will be two midterms and a final exam at the following times:

First Midterm
Thursday, May 30, 09:00-10:15 am.
Second Midterm
Thursday, June 13, 09:00-10:15 am.
Final Exam
Thursday, June 27, 09:00-11:15 am.

Previous exams:

Midterm 1

Midterm 2

Final exam